Financial and practical information

In order to make the most out of your study experience abroad, be sure that you have the financial means to support yourself during your stay in Nantes and be aware of all the related costs (tuition fees, housing, food, transportation etc.): do not hesitate to forecast your budget and to see if you are eligible to some financial aids (don't wait until the last minute and pay attention to the deadlines)!

Your student card and school certificate will only be issued upon payment of your tuition fees and CVEC (more details will be given at 'Le Guichet Unique' upon arrival).

Tuition fees and CVEC

Tuitions fees
Please refer to the box on the right side of this page to know more about annual admission fees in Polytech Nantes.

Students are subject to a new fee known as the CVEC, which helps to finance on-campus programs that enhance the student experience. It applies to French and foreign students enrolling for a degree program in a public or private institution of higher education in France.

Transportation and food

Public transportation (rates 2019 for students aged under 26)
- An illimited pass costs 28 € per month (commitment of 8 months minimum).
- A monthly pass is also available for 41 € per month (no commitment, pass valid from the 1st day of the month until the last day of the month).
For more information, please check the official website of the TAN.


The University Restaurants (R.U) are the best options in terms of value for money: you will pay around 3.25 € per meal (starter, main meal and dessert).


From September 2018, the Student Health Coverage no longer exists. Upon your arrival in France, you will have to request an affiliation to the National health Coverage (CPAM). Some assistance to go through this procedure will be provided at the Guichet Unique.

In addition to this, you can decide to have an additional health insurance coverage ('mutuelle') to fully cover your health expenses during your stay. Student 'mutuelles' (LMDE, SMEBA) offer contracts of various prices (minimum cost 60 € per year).

Books / Materials

Course materials required by Polytech Nantes cost around 100 € per year. Additional book costs may be added during the year.


Exchange students and students coming from a partner university
If you wish to stay in a university residence, you must make the request through Mobility Online when applying. Please note that the Nantes Université receives many requests and cannot guarantee a room for each student.  

Non-exchange students
You can apply directly to the CROUS and consult their website to find out which procedure you need to follow.

Each student can also decide to look for a private accomodation by himself, but be aware that it is very difficult as a foreign student: you will be asked to provide a lot of documents to confirm your financial situation (financial guarantor, housing insurance certificate etc.). Rents may vary between 300 € and 650 € per month and most of the time, you need to give a deposit equivalent to 1 or 2 months of rent.

Take time to collect all the useful information before deciding to search on your own and do not forget to inquire in advance: do not pay nor sign anything before having visited and do not hesitate to ask the Guichet Unique for advice.

More information about accomodation for exchange and non-exchange students.

Mis à jour le 22 avril 2022.