Academic Programme

Electrical Energy Master’s Degree (EE)

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Electrical Energy is an academic curricular of the Automatic Electronics Electrical Energy Master's Degree. It is a two-year degree (M1 + M2) but only the second year (M2 Electrical Energy) is accessible at Polytech Nantes. En savoir plus

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Structure(s) de rattachement
Lieu(x) de la formation *
* Polytech Nantes
Stage(s) *
Oui, obligatoires
* During the 2nd semester, students complete a 5 months research thesis/internship in a laboratory or company which allows them to be paid around €2500 (€500 per month).


Tuition fees: 7 500€
These cost corresponds mainly to education and training costs. Polytech Nantes does not offer scholarships however should you require financial help please have a look at the Campus France Scholarship catalog website.

Targeted audience

Niveau(x) de recrutement
Bac +4





Through this Master's Degree students will acquire excellent skills in the management of electrical energy. Based on electrical engineering courses, students will be able to design, develop and improve complex electrical systems (innovative machine, advanced power  electronics, smart grid and multi-source systems), and to prepare for a PhD.

The Electrical Energy Master’s programme covers various topics related to electrical engineering : advanced modeling of electromagnetic devices, control of electrical systems, management of electrical energy. Different areas of application can be targeted including energy  conversion, transportation (boats, aircrafts, automotive…), sustainable development (wind and marine energy and their integration in the network) and multi-source systems.

  • to be able to design innovative solutions for the electrical integration of renewable energies
  • to integrate electrical efficiency and eco-conception rules during the design of electrical systems
  • to model a multiphysics system including sensing electrical systems and control process
  • to be able to design optimal electrical energy management systems


The programme mainly aims at international students and is taught in English. A good command of the English language is required (B2 score as defined by the Council of Europe). Introductions to French language and European culture are provided locally at Polytech Nantes.



Polytech Nantes (campus Gavy)

Responsable(s) de la formation



Polytech Nantes relies on the expertise of 7 world-renowned high-level research laboratories. The school is pro-actively involved in research and development activities.

Hosting research lab with Electrical Energy academic curricular:
  • Institut de Recherche en Énergie Électrique de Nantes Atlantique (IRENNA, UPRES EA 4642)
  • Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N, UMR 6004)
  • Institut d'Électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR, UMR 6164 du CNRS)
  • Laboratoire Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l'Information et de l'Energie (SATIE)



Formation(s) requise(s)

The Master’s Degree is a two-year degree. At Polytech Nantes, only the second year is accessible, so applicants should hold a
degree which validates at least 4 years in higher education (i.e. a 3-year Bachelor is not acceptable) and should be in one of the following fields:
  • electrical engineering
  • applied mathematics and physics
  • command and signal processing


Academic curricular in Electrical Energy (program)

First semester (S9) - (30 ECTS):

• Electrical energy conversion
• Advanced electromagnetics
• Numerical methods
• Signal processing and control

Optional course (2 Teaching Units out of 3 – 10 ECTS)
• Electrical energy system
• Advanced numerical modeling
• Electrical systems control

Second semester (S10) - (30 ECTS):
• 1 Teaching Units + internship
Internship: 5 months
• Scientific innovation: 25 h

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie

Bac+5 (Libellé inconnu)

Débouchés professionnels

Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi

Career opportunities:
  • Engineer in industry or research
  •  Project engineer
  • R & D engineer
  • Higher education and research, particulary through doctoral training


Modalités d'inscription

  • For students coming from a partner university with Polytech, please contact the international office coordinator of your home university concerning the enrolment.
    → Nomination deadline April 15th 2025.
  • For students coming from a country that is part of the Campus France procedure, please enrol with Campus France.
    → Applications start from October 1st, and end depending on your local embassy.
    Click here to see the list of countries part of the Campus France procedure.
  • For students coming from a country that is not part of the Campus France procedure, please download the application form and send it to with all the requested documents.
    → Deadline to submit your application: 15 April 2025.


International office
Phone : +33(0)2 51 85 74 25

Mis à jour le 25 octobre 2024.