Academic Programme

Visual Computing Master’s Degree (VICO)

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Visual Computing is an academic curricular of the Computer science Master's Degree. It is a two-year degree (M1 + M2) but only the second year (M2 Visual Computing) is accessible at Polytech Nantes. En savoir plus

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Structure(s) de rattachement
Durée de la formation
  • 1 an
Lieu(x) de la formation *
* Polytech Nantes
Stage(s) *
Oui, obligatoires
* During the 2nd semester, students complete a 5 months research thesis/internship in a laboratory or company which allows them to be paid around €2500 (€500 per month).

Targeted audience

Niveau(x) de recrutement
Bac +4

Discover this master degree in video




Tuition fees: 7 500€
These costs correspond mainly to education and training costs. Polytech Nantes does not offer scholarships however should you require financial help please have a look at the Campus France Scholarship catalog website.


Through this programme, students will acquire the scientific and technological knowledge, as well as the practical experience, to understand and contribute to high-level innovative R&D processes in the field of visual computing.


  • modeling and solving image and video processing and analysis problems
  • exploiting high level knowledge about human visual perception in order to contribute state-of-the-art solutions for multimedia applications.
  • using machine learning algorithms in order to build computer vision applications.
  • understanding and implementing a 3D data processing chain (from acquisition to representation)



Polytech Nantes (campus Chantrerie)

Responsable(s) de la formation



Polytech Nantes relies on the expertise of 7 world-renowned high-level research laboratories. The school is pro-actively involved in research and development activities.

Hosting research lab with Visual Computing academic curricular:
Students carry out a 5-month internship as part of the program. All students are guaranteed an internship within the research lab LS2N Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N, UMR 6004), where they join the life and activities of a research group in data science, which has cooperations with companies and academic partners. In the internship, the students will contribute to one of the lab research projects and work on bibliography, define an original scientific proposal, implement and conduct experimental evaluations and defend their thesis. Alternatively, students may also seek an R&D internship in industry.



Formation(s) requise(s)

The Master’s Degree is a two-year degree. At Polytech Nantes, only the second year is accessible, so applicants should hold a
degree which validates at least 4-years in higher education (i.e 240 ECTS) and should be able to demonstrate (from transcripts of their
degrees) good knowledge in, not necessarily all, but in most of the following fields:

• software design, software development, software engineering
• signal processing, basic image processing
• machine learning
• mathematics (algebra, statistics and probabilities)


Academic curricular in Visual Computing (program)

During the first semester, each course comprises lectures and associated exercises as well as personal work. This personal work includes further exercises, hands-on lab work and projects, and revising lecture notes.
Students will have access to a set of reference scientific books and papers, covering the scope of the Master’s program, to study for the duration of their studies in Nantes.

During the second semester, every student starts his/her Master’s internship. The student works full time on his/her research & development project which may be conducted in our research labs (Polytech Nantes will assure an internship in LS2N labs, students don’t need to look for one), or in the R&D team of a private company, typically near Nantes.

First semester (S9) - (30 ECTS) 

• Advanced image and video processing
• Perceptual computing
• Machine learning for computer vision
• 3D computer graphics
• Multimedia communication
• Human computer interaction
• French language and European culture

Second semester (S10) - (30 ECTS) 
  • Internship - Master's thesis

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie

Bac+5 (Libellé inconnu)

Débouchés professionnels

Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi

Career opportunities:
  • R&D engineer in visual computing
  • Project engineer
  • Student in top level international PhD programs

Insertion professionnelle

  • The master’s environment should facilitate future involvement in international PhD top level programs.
  • The research teams are involved in high-level international research cooperations and have joint research projects with a large and small private companies. They actively contribute to projects in the Images and Network R&D cluster.


Modalités d'inscription

  • For students coming from a partner university with Polytech, please contact the international office coordinator of your home university concerning the enrolment.
    → Nomination deadline April 15th 2025.
  • For students coming from a country that is part of the Campus France procedure, please enrol with Campus France.
    → Applications start from October 1st, and end depending on your local embassy.
    Click here to see the list of countries part of the Campus France procedure.
  • For students coming from a country that is not part of the Campus France procedure, please download the application form and send it to with all the requested documents.
    → Deadline to submit your application: 15 April 2025.


International office
Phone : +33(0)2 51 85 74 25


Mis à jour le 25 octobre 2024.